

What are the advantages of precision parts processing?


As we all know, precision parts processing is an indispensable and important step in the hardware industry, manufacturing industry, electronics industry and other closely related industries. There are many types of products involved in precision parts, mainly distributed according to the nature of the product. In general, precision parts refer to the components and parts in a device. Processing parts in various ways will become better used and operated, and can also meet the needs of related industries and customers. In order to promote the development of this process, many industries are transforming their own technology to improve the quality and material of parts.

In actual application, precision parts must be higher precision, and the more refined, the better the processing level and quality. At the same time, these products are also popular with consumers. Generally speaking, CNC machining has unparalleled advantages and characteristics in processing. The product quality is usually higher, so what are the characteristics of precision parts processing?

1. First, the production efficiency of precision parts processing is higher. Precision parts processing can process multiple surfaces at the same time. Compared with ordinary lathe processing, it can save a lot of procedures and save time. Moreover, the quality of parts processed by CNC is also higher than that of ordinary lathes. A lot more stable.

2. The processing of precision parts plays an irreplaceable role in the development of new products. Generally speaking, parts with different degrees of complexity can be processed through programming, and the modification and update design only need to change the procedures of the lathe, which can greatly Shorten the product development cycle.

3. The degree of automation of precision parts processing is very sufficient, which greatly reduces the manual labor intensity of workers. Workers do not need to control the whole process like ordinary lathes during the processing process, mainly to observe and supervise the lathes. However, the technical content of the corresponding CNC machining is higher than that of ordinary lathes, so it requires higher mental effort than ordinary lathes.

Fourth, the initial investment is relatively large compared to ordinary lathes, because the price of CNC lathes is very high, and its maintenance costs and processing first preparation period are long.



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