

How to prevent mold damage?

With the continuous development of industry, we can know the rapid development of various industries, then when used, it may cause certain damage, it may be caused when we use it, or it may be because of processing Caused, so how to prevent mold damage? Let's take a look below!

1. Good casting structure design

The wall thickness of the casting is as uniform as possible to avoid the occurrence of thermal joints to reduce the thermal fatigue caused by the local heat concentration of the mold. There should be proper rounded corners at the corners of the casting to avoid stress caused by sharp corners on the mold.


2. Reasonable mold structure design

 1) The components in the mold should have sufficient rigidity and strength to withstand the pressure without deformation. The mold wall thickness must be sufficient to reduce deformation.

2) The pouring system design minimizes impact and erosion on the core.

3) Correctly select the tolerance fit and surface roughness of each component.

4) Maintain mold thermal balance.


3. Standard heat treatment process

Through heat treatment, the metallographic structure of the material can be changed to ensure the necessary strength, hardness, dimensional stability at high temperature, thermal fatigue resistance and material cutting performance.

 The correct heat treatment process will get the best mold performance, and the performance of the steel is controlled by the quenching temperature and time, cooling rate and tempering temperature.



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